Tuesday, February 6, 2018

SpaceX Heavy makes it up and back, in great form

Here's great video of the whole thing, along with the crazy view of the Tesla Roadster looking down at the tops of the clouds.   Go to 29:00 and start there. Once started you won't be able to stop watching, it's that good!

And, one of the coolest things I've ever seen, simultaneous side booster landings


  1. Spectacular!


    Take THAT China and Russia.

  2. I have followed the space program for a long time and that was awesome.

  3. Brought tears to my eyes, that did. I sure wish Heinlein could've seen it! When the two rockets simultaneously touched down in FL, I was on my feet cheering! What a fantastic, wonderful, thrilling launch!

    Though there's much I don't like about Elon Musk, including the fact that taxpayers are subsidizing his cars- my God, the man's a showman! Pure genius, to have a Tesla in space!

  4. Eskyman, I'm right there with you. I cheered and cried so much during that whole launch that I was completely hoarse and devoid of the makeup I put on that morning.
